About Us

Our Ethos

This magical, marvellous food on our plate, this sustenance we absorb, has a story to tell. It has a journey. It leaves a footprint. It leaves a legacy. To eat with reckless abandon, without conscience, without knowledge; folks, this ain’t normal.

— Joel Salatin

We couldn’t agree more with this quote from one of regenerative farming’s pioneers and just a pure farming rockstar, that is Mr. Joel Salatin.

So let us tell you our story and explain how you are already a part of it…

At SeanNua Farm, we believe every person should know their farmer, know exactly where their food comes from, who it is produced by and how it is produced. 

This is us, your Farmers…the ones growing, raising, producing up the good stuff!


Ashling, Greg & Grace

What do we want?

Our objective is to provide our local community with ethically grown, premium quality, clean food, free from any additives or nasties.

At SeanNua Farm we produce food that heals the body, mind & soul, food that makes you healthy, makes you feel good and allows you to have a clean conscience!

We work with nature to heal our land and nurture our ecosystem, and nature in return provides us with an incredible bounty of amazing nutrient dense food you simply can’t buy in the supermarkets.

How do we do it?

Here at SeanNua Farm, we keep things simple, we say no to chemicals!

Our animals don’t do drugs, our veggies don’t do drugs, for us this is unnecessary!

We use holistic agricultural systems which are based on natural ecological processes.

We respect our animals!  We build their homes so as they can express their natural physiology, we observe and we adapt.

We respect our soil! We constantly feed the soil web by sequestering all the carbon we can and we do not pollute our amazing soil with any pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or other chemicals you could think of!

This means everything you buy from our farm is:

  • Chemical free
  • Ethically raised
  • Antibiotic free
  • Zero additives

This is good for you and for us!

For you…

It means you are buying ethically conscious food with zero chemical residue and making the best decision you can for you and your loved one’s health and the wider environment.

For us…

It's good for us because we know that while our work may not be easy, it is incredibly worthwhile, we are improving and regenerating our little corner of the world and we are making some amazing connections with our customers at the same time.

It’s win win for us all!

Your Part in Our Story 

You are already a part of the SeanNua Farm story…

If you are here, #respect #kudos as it means you are conscious of the impact your food choices will have on you and your loved one’s health and the wider environment. You are interested in the origin of your food and how it is raised, grown, produced.

You are interested in an alternative to industrial food that has an endless list of ingredients no one can pronounce but yet has no taste!

You, and like-minded people like you, give us our “raison d’être” and we could not be more grateful.

It is you guys, our customers, our followers, who boost us to expand our product range each year and you make all the hard work worthwhile. You are the future of small mixed regenerative farms like ours, and we wouldn’t be here without you. #thankyou

Why the name “SeanNua”?

It’s all in the name….

Did you know that “Sean” is Gaelic for “Old” and “Nua” is Gaelic for “New”?

Our name, SeanNua Farm, was born out of the marriage of these two words.

Here at SeanNua Farm, we do not believe we are re-inventing the wheel or doing anything extraordinary in our work. We are a regenerative, small scale, mixed farm…but when you look back a little in history, all farms were small-scale mixed farms.

Farmers grew their own vegetables and raised meat in order to be self-sufficient!

At SeanNua Farm, we are bringing back this old way of mixed, small-scale farming with a new twist in our regenerative farming techniques and in our direct sales model.

We believe in and have a real love & passion for real food!

The sort of food that makes you healthy, makes you feel good, AND allows you to have a clean conscience!

It’s simple really…and we are nothing but simple folk looking to live a simple life!